B2015 Team
League: NYCSL, EDP
Updated Team Info
Number Of Players Currently Confirmed: 12
Number Of Players Needed: 9
Players a side: 7v7
Practice days: Tuesday & Friday
Practice Time: 4:30-6pm
Location: Upper westside
League Registration Documents
League Registration Form
Some fields on the form below are left as not required as I don’t think the league requires it, they don’t specify wether or not it’s required but they have them up, so if you know them or feel comfortable putting them down feel free to if not don’t, If the league tells me they are indeed required I’ll get back to you and ask for them.
Documents You should prepare to send over via email to (Stage10FutbolClub@gmail.com) for League Registration
You can also send these documents via txt message or WhatsApp for a safer and more encrypted option to cell phone # 845-820-2422.
Clear head shot picture of player
Clear Copy of Proof of Birth