Upcoming Summer Camps Being Offered:
Booker T. Washington Playground
Days & Times: Mon-Friday / 9-3pm
Weeks of: June 30th, July 7th, August 11th, August 18th, August 25th
Price: $400 Per Week ($80 per day)
Ages: 6-14 years old
Sign up by filling out the “Summer camp registration form” below
All payments are due by June 7th. (if you are paying cash or check please make a note on the form)
To make a payment click the payment button below which will give you information on how to make a payment.
If you have not already done so you are required to fill out a waiver and a full registration form (separate from the Booker T. Camp form) you can access these required documents in the button that says required forms
For camp details click the button labeled “Camp Details” below.
View below all clinics being offered throughout the year.
(We try to target public school days off, and some nationally observed holidays)
Fall Clinics:
Spring Clinics:
Click the pictures below to find out more about our different Camps
A look at some future clinics
Summer Clinics
We will be looking to offer Clinics during the summer breaks in the near future.