Coach Eric’s House Rules

- Payment for a session is due as soon as it is confirmed.

- Cancellation of a training session must be made at least 24 hours prior to the session in order to receive a full refund. This prevents losing that time slot by making it available to someone else.

Click below for full late payment and cancelation protocol and more.

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- To schedule a session always fill out the Session Request Form. DO NOT text or email the request. The form can be found on the website’s drop-down menu under “Scheduling & Payment” and “Training”. For request that have urgent schedule dates I will be responding urgently. All forms are received if they were submitted, expect sometimes a response in couple-few days.

- Always have your child arrive 30 minutes before the session begins to do their dynamic warm-ups and/or ball work drills. If they cannot make it, be prepared for them to stay 30 minutes after practice to do them. This is a great way to make the most of the time for each day, especially in situations where we only have an hour session. Some of these don’t apply for indoor classes due to the logistics of indoor gym permit arrangements. Also, your child needs a set of mini cones. You can purchase them at stores like Upper90 or, you can also find them on our website (link attached below).

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Growth and true fundamental change always come with challenges and conflict. Expect there to be conflict between us (parent/me, player/me), at some point throughout this process. I will challenge the player, and I will challenge you as the parent on many different fronts when I feel it's necessary and beneficial to your child’s growth.

My best advice to anyone looking for their child to become a stronger soccer player with me is, trust the person you hired to teach your child, “me”, to do just that; take a step back and allow the process to do its work. Steer away from giving your child soccer directions and feedback, even if you are right, because sometimes you will be wrong, and your feedback might go against what I'm working on with them which can cause unnecessary confusion in a process that already comes with a lot of curveballs. Lean on the support and open line of communication you’ll always receive from me to best serve your child in the areas of soccer directions and feedback. There is a process, trust in it. Patience, humility, trust, support, and commitment have helped me achieve the best and fastest results, even in the most challenging scenarios. Arrogance, lack of trust, lack of humility, and lack of commitment have always been the forces that slow down the process, and the only person I’ve always seen lose out and pay the price is the child.

Lastly, and most importantly, respect and good communication is the backbone of our transaction. It’s what I lead with and appreciate it in return from everyone who works with me.

I look forward to working with you.