Place your order by filling out the form below
A Tailored Experience From Start to Finish
If you like to look good and would like to support our brand here at Stage10’s Customized Drip Department you can do just that. You are taken on a Journey where you put your full trust in a talented and creative designer by the name of Eric Kipoliongo to deliver on the best gear that fits your style.
Here’s how it works
Fill out the short form Above (which asks for all details like size etc.)
You will receive some hand picked options of gear from the Adidas store to select.
The designer will go to work and customize the gear you choose.
You wait and sit pretty while your gear is worked on.
Because of the unique process the average wait time from when your order is placed is about 3-4 weeks
Prices vary but more on the higher side because in addition to the original Adidas price there’s the cost to add all the customized items like patch, print etc. no profit/money is made on my end, I’m interested in visibility of my brand and creating customized pieces.
Click the button Above to get started
FALL 2020 Designs / ADIDAS X STAGE10 FC
“Money is Temporary, Drip is Forever...Spend It Like you got it like that ! MoneyJuice until I meet my creator” - Eric Kipoliongo

meet the MADE IN ZAIRE Designer
Creating with my hands has been a second passion since a young age. From making brick ovens out of mud in Kinshasa to making jewelry, sketches, and all sorts of cardboard and paper creations. Being Congolese it’s in my dna to want to dress good, so part of my love for fashion comes from that, but with the exposure of the hip hop culture and fashion culture in America my love and interest grew a ton in my teens. It was only natural for me to start wanting to create my own clothes. As life went on and took the course it did, I was never able to fully pursue it just yet or get a formal education on the craft, so I settled for playing around with a few previously owned clothes and hats and made them my canvas. Around 2017 I began to plan and create a fashion company which I plan to drop in the near future.
As you can imagine when I saw this window to create and tap into my fashion side through Stage10 FC I was very thrilled. I took the opportunity and ran with it, and thus was born our Stage10 Customized Drip Department (SCDD). Expressing myself through art brings me too much joy and that joy is poured into each piece I design and customize. I have no official education in the field of fashion besides the education I got from this journey but, my eyes see and these hands work.
It’s a privilege for me to have the opportunity to take part with all of you in such a personable and hands on experience.
Excited to create some unique customized pieces