Project X Tryouts
Fill out the form below if you would like to attend the try-out. Be sure to send waiver to
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Boys 2017
Early June
Time - TBD
Location - TBD
What to Bring - water, soccer clothe, turfs or cleats, Shin-guards, soccer ball
Girls 2017
Early June
Time - TBD
Location - TBD
What to Bring - water, soccer clothe, turfs or cleats, Shin-guards, soccer ball
Boys 2016
Early June
Time - TBD
Location - TBD
What to Bring - water, soccer clothe, turfs or cleats, Shin-guards, soccer ball
Girls 2014
Early June
Time - TBD
Location - TBD
What to Bring - water, soccer clothe, turfs or cleats, Shin-guards, soccer ball
Boys 2015
Early June
Time - TBD
Location - TBD
What to Bring - water, soccer clothe, turfs or cleats, Shin-guards, soccer ball
Girls 2018
Early June
Time - TBD
Location - TBD
What to Bring - water, soccer clothe, turfs or cleats, Shin-guards, soccer ball