Tristan Land

Name: Tristan Land

Age: 19

Born: Middletown New York, USA


Cell Phone: 845-648-5448

Mission Statement:

All my life soccer has been an important part of my life and served as a way to help me grow and develop as an individual. I come from a family where I saw my older brothers play the game and they helped me develop my passion and grow that much more as a person. I am blessed to have learned so many invaluable lessons about hard work and dedication. It taught me that good things take time and you as an individual have to take responsibility in your journey in improving. As I get older I see many parallels between soccer in life in general with concepts such as teamwork and contributing to something bigger than yourself. As a coach I strive to teach my players these lessons and help them in their journey to becoming better soccer players but individuals as well.


- Studying at Sancta Clara University

- Cedar Stars Academy U13 - U15, Berkshire School Varsity Soccer 2019 - 2022

Hobbies and Interests:

I love to play soccer and work with others.